Through innovative collaborations, research and advocacy, we will unlock the immense benefits that the arts can bring to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing.
Virtual Reality (VR), mirror therapy, and music therapy have all been demonstrated to have a positive effect on stroke rehabilitation individually. This novel project explores all three therapies and delivery mechanisms through a custom, purpose-built VR application to test whether a combinatory approach has a greater effect on rehabilitation compared to each in insolation.
Arts engagement enhances overall well-being, affecting emotions, cognition, and social connections across all ages.
Mental Health
Engaging in arts reduces stress, anxiety, and risk of mental illnesses, enhancing self-esteem.
Inpatient Care
Art in emergency departments reduces aggression, anxiety, pain, and medication use, especially in children and parents.
Health Care Staff
The arts can improve clinical and personal skills, enhance communication, and reduce errors among healthcare professionals.
Music can support cognitive functions in dementia patients, especially in Alzheimer’s, preserving memory and communication skills.
Social Bonding
Arts, especially music, significantly enhance social bonding, cooperation, and community inclusion across various groups.
Investing in the arts for health’s sake positively impacts:
Source: World Health Organization
Download our paper on the Story of Arts and Health in South Australia here.
Through innovative collaborations, research and advocacy, we will unlock the immense benefits that the arts can bring to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing.

We connect the dots between:
The Pinnaroo Project
Improving health and wellbeing in a regional community.
Creative Recollection
Pilot and evaluation of a creative expression and self-care program for people living with dementia and their carers.
Music Therapist Resource Project
Equipping therapists with tools for engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients or clients.